Thursday, 5 May 2011

Pre-Production Week (05/05/2011)

First run through of the day in the Begonia Space:

so where getting there but were not there yet, we need to be seamless because at the moment you can see our hesitance and thought processes, we need to get it to a standard where you can't and that's all of the movement and the whole piece in fact it flows and is in out sub-conscious!
We need to have energy, focus and intention running continuously through-out the piece.
we were unsure of the line section when we come down the stairs, We need to remember that we start the phrases when Chelsea & Gina leave to there duo and Tasha & Dan replace them.
The physical scores where OK, but people going into them are a bit unsure when they come in, but we really need to remember that the space we are doing it in, is going to be much bigger than the room we were in today, and therefore we need to exaggerate each noise and movement so people everywhere can see them!.
- We need to have energy when we run, run like you mean it (running like a man isn't fair apparently :P) we shouldn't just run like where going from point B to point A we should have purpose in between it.
- we need to remember Ollie's solo happens in its own as it an introduction to our piece, we came on way to early and i think the reason is, because someone is unsure so they come on anyway and the everyone follows so that, that one person doesn't look stupid.
- Our performance is like a flash mob, we come in the room nobody knows what going on and when it's over we just disperse like the t-mobile advert.

2nd & Final run through of the day:

I think that this run through was the best we've done, despite the unsure feelings about the revolve section, i think we all moved on swiftly from that confusion. I felt we were all fully engaged and maybe more than others, but i feel that everyone had complete connections with the piece and even that can be made stronger i really feel this was the best I've done. I think its the best one I've done because i feel i was more focused and i knew what i was doing most of the time, i felt that i could make my moves more energetic but i have this voice in the back of my head telling me that this is only the rehearsals and the performance is next week so don't worry about it, but i need to break out of that habit, I'm scared that I'll be too used to doing it half heartily and won't do it to my best.
I didn't feel as embarrassed as i have done, i don't know why, i think its because it felt more like a performance and we have fully rehearsed the whole thing with music in bourne hall so i think i just came into with a positive, open mind and focus.
- We need to pick up our feet :)

Jamie & Elle have decided that we wont be using the chairs which i think will slow the piece down, well keep it at the speed its going and we want it to be longer. I think I'm relived as well only because there will be a load of confusion about where the chair will be and where we will put them back. so i think its a good idea and i still think it looks just as good, but i think the levels would have been nice, because we are all standing up for most of it but other than that i think its a good idea.

We all need to look at spaces and just adapt to them, if someone is in our space where we are about to go, we need to be quick on our feet and just either find another space or just work with it. And we need to know that there are going to be people everywhere and we need to adjust where we are heading if people are in the way, we need to avoid making them feel like that are a inconvenience or in the way, they need to feel like they can watch and they are one of us.

- There was one point when i me and Chloe were meant to go up stairs on the balcony to do our physical score and i looked up and just saw a women standing where we were heading and i panicked and thought well shall we not do it?, i was looking for other places for us to do it, but luckily she moved just in time :) i think if that happens in the real performances i will panic and i might not know what to do, but i might just think quickly i won't really know until I'm there :)

* We need layer the foundation and keep building on them
- When we are giving a phrase, we should develop and keep building layers onto it and that's how we develop our skills as well as the move.

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